Get Out
One or more house guests outstay their welcome, and the host(s) are too polite to ask them to leave.
Welcome Back, Kotter
- Welcome Back, Kotter: Season 3, episode 4, "And Baby Makes Four: Part 3" (1977). Julie's parents show up unexpectedly to meet the Kotters' new babies, and they insist on staying with them. Mr. Kotter wants them out, but he's afraid to ask them to leave.
- Night Court: Season 5, episode 13, "Hit the Road, Jack" (1988). Christine's dad stays with her while he's having some work done on his RV so he can head off to Florida for his retirement, but after two weeks, Christine can't stand his buying her tacky clothes, making her "head cheese" sandwiches, and inviting Dan over every night to belch and watch roller derby, but she can't bring herself to throw him out. It's not until he sells her car and replaces it with a 1957 Buick that she finally blows up at him.
- ALF: Season 3, episode 13, "Hide Away" (1989). Willie carpools with a guy form work who invites himself over for dinner, then invites himself to spend the night.