Fish and Visitors Stink in Three Days
A character spends a few days at a friend's home, and they drive each other crazy.
The Dick Van Dyke Show
- The Dick Van Dyke Show: Season 1, episode 21, "The Boarder Incident" (1962). Buddy stays with the Petries while Pickles is away and drives Rob and Laura crazy.
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show: Season 2, episode 21, "Where There's Smoke, There's Rhoda" (1972). Rhoda moves in with Mary after her apartment catches fire, and their personal habits get on each other's nerves
- The Bob Newhart Show: Season 1, episode 24, "Who's Been Sleeping on My Couch?" (1973). Jerry stays with Bob and Emily while he deals with the loss of his girlfriend, but his presence quickly becomes a nuisance.
- Too Close for Comfort: Season 6, episode 3, "Four is a Crowd" (1986). Henry and Muriel's friends, Herb and Marsha Kennedy, buy a house in Marin County, but they can't move in yet, so they basically invite themselves to stay with the Rushes, and right away the Kennedys start disrupting the Rushes' daily routine, eating all the food in the house, and either snoring fighting loudly all night.
- Head of the Class: Sesaon 2, episode 13, "On the Road Again" (1988). Dr. Samuels's wife kicks him out, and Mr. Moore agrees to let him stay in his apartment while they work things out, but he quickly regrets it when Dr. Samuels starts to get on his nerves.
- ALF: Season 3, episode 3, "Breaking Up is Hard to Do" (1988). After Mrs. Ochmonek throws Trevor out, he asks if he can stay with the Tanners for a few days, but he starts to settle in for a permanent stay, to the chagrin of everyone in the family, especially Alf.